Talks and presentations

Modeling co-seismic wave speed changes of rocks

December 11, 2023

Talk, AGU: 2023, San Francisco, USA

3D simulation of co-seismic wave speed changes in rock from source to site

  • Simulation Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake in 2015.
  • Understand basin effects with different types of rheology: elastic, visco-elastic, plastic and nonlinear damage models.
  • Account for finite earthquake source, heterogeneous velocity structure, surface topography, basin geometry, etc.

Simulation of waves in nonlinear rocks

March 24, 2023

Talk, SPIN Workshop 3, Pitlochry, Scotland, UK

Compare with experimental observation; Discuss what physical mechanism and mathematical forms can contribute

  • Initial strain in the rocks
  • Strain-rate (frequency) dependent behavior
  • Amplitude dependent damage